I had the most crazy night last night, while trying to sleep. It all started when I kept waking myself up, scratching the heck out of my eyes, ears, and throat. Then, Rook came in my room to tell me he "wet the bed." (arghhhh) Not too long after I got back to bed, I started dreaming that I had snakes all around me--even one in my bed!! I vividly remember saying a couple of prayers during that one, that I could think about something else. So.....this second dream had me sitting down to a plate of peanut butter on lettuce. It tasted really, really good to me until I realized what I was eating! In that same dream I was gulping down as much water as I could trying to clean it all out. Then, my alarm went off and it was time to wake up Carter for school. I guess that was the answer to my first nightmare. By that time, my heart was still pounding fast and furious. I don't dream too often, but when I do, it's usually about these same two things.
Disclaimer: I am EXTREMELY terrified of snakes and I am DEATHLY allergic to peanuts.
That one time we moved to Washington
8 years ago
YIKES Bobbi! I am glad you came out of that one alive!
what about lettuce?
very sad for you, Bobbi. I will try not to eat peanuts around you amy more! I don't know where you and the snakes come from though. I promise I didn't do anything to you that involved snakes when you were litte.
I am not sure how the lettuce tied into my nightmare. Kind of weird though...
Happy Birthday!! A movie w/the girls sounds so fun.
Maybe you should take a sleeping pill or something, Bobbi. That sounds horrible.
That is really freaky. My husband is the same way about snakes, even seeing them on tv. He can't take it. Kennedy held a snake once when we were on a trip without my hub, so I took pics and he was mad that I let her do it.
I have some strange dreams, usually the worst are the ones where my husband is flirting with girls around me. (don't know where that comes from cause he doesn't do it) I wake up so Mad and Hurt. Dreams are weird.
Crazy, my fears are mice, If I see any mice like on T.V. or something like that, I will have a nightmare about it. I hate it.
I hardly ever dream but when I do, it is so real. Sometimes I will even wake up mad at Adam and he truly has done nothing wrong. It's it funny the things we dream about?
I just told Jason about that time we took a walk around the Green Belt and you made us walk on the other side of the river because we saw a guy on the sidewalk with a snake around his neck.... member that time?
Glad it was all a dream! I hate those kind of nights though. It makes you feel like you need another 8 hours of rest. But then again...who ever gets 8 hours anymore?
Alright... I'll stop teasing you about peanuts!! haha Maybe you should have some almond balls to make yourself feel better! j/k
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