Sunday, October 26, 2008

Takin' Out The Trash...

We went to a Halloween Party Saturday night and had way too much fun. Everyone was supposed to dress up as "white trash". Chris and Erin were a hit! They were the big winners. Chris stole the show. It was hilarious! There were lots of others who dressed up to make it fun too.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Six Shots and No Tears!

Today was not a good day for Rook. I gave him heads up yesterday that he was going to get his immunizations today and he kept telling me no way and if I take him to get shots, then he won't live with me anymore! He likes to threaten me. Anyways, he was so nice and brave the whole time we were waiting. Then we went into the room...I got my flu shot first and then they gave him 5 immunizations and 1 flu shot. He did Great! Six shots and Zero tears! I was so proud of Rookie and even a little shocked. :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I have an obsession with owls, so my sister and I tried switching over to this background not knowing that I would have complications. I am in the middle of trying to figure things out to make it look right, so hang in there and I will be back to "normal" soon.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Rook

Rook turned 5 today! This morning when Carter woke Rook up to open his presents, Jared said, "Happy Birthday Rook, you are 5 now!" Rook took off to the bathroom and said, "Let me see." I heared him drag out the scale and jump on. He yelled back , "Nope, I am not to the 5 yet!" I guess he thought the scale told our age and not our weight.
He got some awesome gifts from us and cousins and his friends. I asked him what his favorite present was and he said that they were all his favorite!
We decided to take the boys bowling. We had a Great time. It took most of the time just waiting for the ball to actually get from Rook's hands to roll down to the pins.
Hooray! It f-i-n-a-l-l-y made it down there.
I guess Rook had too much fun. Happy Birthday!