Rook has such a LOVE and PASSION for dogs! He loves them all--big or small. He plays with our neighbors dogs constantly and will ask me if he can live at their house so he can have a dog. I told him that I am allergic to dogs and cats, so we can't have them at our house. His preschool class had a fieldtrip to the Vet a few weeks ago and he hasn't stopped talking about it. He was sure that night that Jared was going to come home with a dog to surprise him. He won't let it go. So, I told him that maybe for his 18th birthday he could get a dog. He said, "OK" and so far he is excited about that. We will see how long it works.
That one time we moved to Washington
8 years ago
Oh, I want cute little Rookie to have a dog.
I'm going to tell him how old 18 is.
Stick to your guns, Bobbi, no matter how cute Rook is or how much he begs. The neighbors probably appreciate him coming to play with their dogs anyway.
That is adorable. Rook has cute little puppy dog eyes himself.
Rook looks so grown up! Having a puppy would be nice, but it's just like having another baby! I didn't get a dog until I was 14, so I know how he feels. :)
Jayce loves our dog Zeek to death, of course Zeek is about 6 inches taller and 3 times his weight, but he loves him... Now when he sees my sisters little "rat" dog... he completely freaks out, for some reason he is scared to death of the little ones!! Who Knows?!?!
bobbi, if you do decide to get a dog (cuz i know you are giving it some serious thought) than please make sure you get a little survivor from the puppy mills!
so i am mostly kidding.... but i do have to say, that oprah ALMOST made me want to save one of those little ugly things!
Cute trick. I need to remeber stuff like that when Baili ask for something that is so never going to happen. We already have two dogs and Baili loves them, but dogs are so much work. Rook is so cute I bet sometimes he is har dto resist.
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