I can't believe that the kids are already out of school! This school year flew by. Carter LOVED his 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Hill. I thought she was pretty great myself. I am now trying to prepare myself for a busy summer. I guess that is why I was a little sad about school being out because I love the kids having a schedule and being in a routine. So, to keep it fun we will spend our days at baseball games for Carter and Jared, swimming lessons, Ross Park, basketball camp, yard work, & playing with the neighbors & cousins. What could be better than that? Okay, so back to Carter's teacher, Mrs. Hill. I had a card for Carter to sign and give to her on the last week and this is what I found. I thought it was kind of sweet. Also, he came home with a little book of phone numbers of some of his friends from his class to keep in touch with this summer and he also got Mrs. Hill's phone number. He told me he got it for me so that I can call her. He wants me to call her to say Hi and tell her how much I like her! I keep putting it off and he keeps reminding me. I don't want call her, so I might just have to "pretend" that I did. I hope it's not bad to pretend....
That is a sweet card. I think most teachers like notes like that from the kids. I still have some from when I taught school long ago. Good luck with your busy summer.
Oh Bobbi, just break down and give the teach a call. (is she pretty?? at first I thought that's why Carter wanted her number--and then I wondered if little boys that age knew about that idea...)
What a sweetheart!
I know what you mean about the routine. Although it will be nice for us to be out of the Kindergarten schedule.
Summer flies by so fast that it's not funny. Just have fun because one day you'll be watching them leave for the summer..... for college or missions. It goes way too fast!
That is adorable! I think you ought to call her too... she is probably waiting for your call after Carter asked for her digits! too funny!
Also, nice work on your scanning!!! You will have to teach me sometime!
The many lists of things kids want you to do. That is really cute though. School gets out for us on thursday and I am counting down the hours.
Thanks for your sweet comments, Bobbi! I feel bad because the last 2 times I saw you I had the phone glued to my ear! You know how those conversations go sometimes...on and on and on...
That is pretty darn cute. So if you have plans already to come to Ross Park you better call so we can hang out at least once this summer. PS-did you get your ten years ago letter about your future in the mail??
He is a riot!! I love the funny stage he is in... he's just so sweet!! Let's not let him grow up anymore!?!?
Hey, Just wanted to say hi! I think your page is really cute! Hopefully I will figure out this thing soon and get some more crap on my page! Have a good day!
Hey Bobbi - I found you on Geri's blog - hope you don't mind me snooping:D I just finished my first year teaching and kept and loved each note the kids gave me. I'm pretty excited to have your aunt Ellen's granddaughter Jessica Barzee in my class next year:D Your grandma Fern was my first grade teacher - Oh the circles of life - aren't they great.
P.S. I'm so proud of the great mom, wife, etc. that you have become. I always knew you would be great at whatever you did.
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