I've known for about a month or so that I have a tooth that's been bugging me every now and again. It will hurt really bad for a few minutes and then the pain usually disappears! However, today when I was on my way home from work, I got that terrible toothache back and it won't go away. I had the same thing last year on my other side and ended up getting a root canal, so round two. Thank goodness for insurance!!!! My "emergency" appointment isn't until Monday morning, but I am going to call again tomorrow to see if I can get in at least by Saturday. I hate it mostly because it makes my head hurt, therefore I wasn't very nice to the little boys at bedtime. (but they weren't listening very well and were taking their sweet time doing every thing But getting ready for bed). Maybe I will be nicer tomorrow?
tooth aches really suck!!!!!!!!
Hope you can get in tomorrow or Saturday. My mom always had me bite on an asprin (on the bad tooth) don't know if it works or not, but its worth a try!!! Hang in there.
Ouch, that's so lousy! Tooth pain hurts your whole body! Take three ibuprophen at a time to help with the pain. That's what the assistant at the endodontists office told me when I got my root canal. It did seem to help. Good luck. I hope it will be an easy fix.
Call another dentist, one that knows what an emergency is. Monday is still 3 whole days away!
Best of luck to you AND the boys.
Sorry about the tooth ache! I am a woose (how in the world do you spell that?) when it comes to tooth aches. I call right after the first episode....before you can't even tell which tooth it is because it hurts so bad.
Ok so I was thinking.... maybe we could trade pains... I'll take your pain in the mouth if you take my pain in the chest!!! Mine is giving me a headache too, and a backache, and a jaw ache, and a stomach ache!
Ok sorry, didn't mean to make your post my crying whining moment... just don't dare post about my breast feeding problems on here! HA
I really am sorry for your tooth ache... there is nothing more annoying!
I meant I don't dare post about my breast feeding moments on "MY" blog.... But now that it is out there, maybe I will!
That stinks!!! Too bad your not in Ohio, Spencer loves doing root canals. He thinks its great to help someone get out of pain. By the way I am going to be home May 16-26. I hope I get to see you!
I hope you got in today. Sounds like a yucky past few days for you.
I hope you are feeling better now... and that your root canal didn't kill you yesterday!!
In my opinion, a toothache is more painful than being punched in the stomach, since a toothache makes you want to bang your face on the nearest table. I understand why you were cranky that time.
-Jenna Schrock
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