Rook's favorite thing to eat right now is peanut butter and jelly (jam) sandwhiches. He asks me for one for every meal. So, as long as I am stocked up on peanut butter, bread, and jam...he's good to go. Now all I need is to dry pack some chocolate milk!
mmmm. tasty.
(about the homemade jam. not the idea of dry-packed chocolate milk. that actually sounds a titch scary. good luck with that.)
Yum! and he is easy!!!!!
Your jam made me so sad that we just finished the last of our raspberry jam. (Just not the same from the store.) I hope we can make it till summer...that, or maybe Rook might share some of his.
Looks so pretty. Good job Bobbi.
Thats one of Jacksons new favs. too! Your jam looks tasty; what kind is it?
I made strawberry and raspberry this time. I had picked all the berries last summer and am finally getting to making the jam.
Now Rook can rest easy.
Do you ever wonder what kids do truly worry about? It's probably not food storage....
Nice looking jam. Maybe Carter will learn to like it, too.
kelton asks that for every meal too! aren't they funny! hey, i was going to tell you, if you go to my blog or summer's, click on the new site i found my blog template on, and they have a spring owl one. saw it and thought of you!!!
It looks so good! I love when kids are easy that way :)
Man Bobbi, if I liked jam I would for sure trade you a tub for my homemade whole wheat bread....
Now if it was canned chocolate or canned cookies, I would be over all the time!
You should be set... as long as Rook doesn't have any of them exploded from his jam castle making!
Rook is a man of good taste. You just can't beat a peanut butter and homemade jam sandwich.
Rook and Bridger would get a long just fine with their food storage items!! I was looking through Bridger's writing notebook from school and he had a story about his grandma's raspberry jam that he loves sooooo much!! Glad to see you guys are doing good--
Hey Bobbi-
I think my kids would eat pbj every meal too if I would let them, but I'm such a mean mom - I make them eat whatever I cook. Which probably isn't really that appealing ... Maybe I should let them eat pbj all the time... hmm.
Your kids are so grown up. I haven't seen them in forever. Your family is super cute. Kyler will be turning 8 in April and can't wait for the big B-Day. Carter looks so happy. Congrats to him!
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