Carter has been counting down the days until he gets baptized. Today was the day and he had so much fun. He started his day with an early morning basketball game (playoffs), which they were tied with 3.9 seconds left of the game and his friend Ethan made both of his foul shots. Therefore, they won the game by 2 points. Then he and his Dad rushed over to the church to get changed into their baptism clothes. Most of Jared's family and my side were there, along with some of our good friends. It was so nice to have so many people come to support Carter. He loves a crowd. We all came back to our house for a big dinner afterwards. It was all delicious. Thanks to those who contributed. Last but not least, Jared and Carter went to Pocatello with some friends and went to the ISU basketball game tonight. He is going to be one exhausted kid when he gets home. I hope Carter had a special day and will be able to remember it for a very long time. He's such a good boy (when he wants to be), and he makes my life so much more "interesting"....in a good way!
It was such a good day. It was fun to see all the little cousins sitting on the front row...just watching Carter and Jared.
Congtats Carter From Bishop and Sister Pasley! I'll bet it was an awesome day and Bishop is VERY proud of you!!!!! We LOVE the UNDERWOOD family!!!! So sorry we missed it!
Carter... what a busy boy! I can't believe how big you have gotten! I promise just yesterday I zipped you up in my coat and carried you around, and cut your hair while you bawled and puked up bananas...
You have grown into such a strapping young lad, watch out ladies.... Carter is 8!
Ahhhhhh I can't believe Carter is already 8. It makes me feel SO old.
Congratulations anyway!
dear carter:
congratulations! we're proud of you and think you're pretty much a rock star!
love, aunt geri + uncle jason
Sounds like a wonderful day, but a busy one. Before you know it, it will be Rook's turn.
Sounds like it was a busy, but fun day. Sorry we couldn't be there.
Sounds like a good, busy day! Congrats Carter :)
Wow, It is so hard to believe he is eight. I am nervous about Marley's babtism this saturday. I'm sure it will go ok. Congratulations.
Congratulations Carter! I'm glad you had such a special day!
Sound like a wonderful day!
What a neat day! I can not believe that you have an 8 year old. I love the picture of his team, it looks like basketball will be a life time thing for him, that is awesome!!
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