For those of you who don't know Jared that well, he LOVES the STEELERS. He loved them when we was young and when he served his mission in Pittsburg (where he wasn't allowed to attend a football game), but was excited about being there anyway. He is a true fan of this team . He's not like those guys who decide they like whoever is winning at the time.
It ended up being a great game with a even better ending! Jared still has a huge grin plastered on his face. He got many calls and texts during and after the game. I am happy for him :)
As for me, I had another fantastic rich chocolate brownie for desseret made by my friend Carrie. It was a perfect treat to eat while "enduring" the football game.
That was fun game. And I am glad Jared is happy. I'll bet it was crazy at your house. Me....I liked the game, enjoyed watching the commercials and LOVED the food.
I didn't hardly watch the game at all... I was to busy playing Qwirkle!!
I'm glad Jared had such a great day!!
I can't remember the last time I watched the Super Bowl and really don't know anything about the Steelers, but I am impressed with the long, wavy, hair the one big guy is sporting.
Just so Jared doesn't think I am a total reject, I had at least heard of the Steelers. I had never heard of the Arizona Cardinals.
tell Jared congrats on the win! I was like you, enjoying the good stuff :)
Josie, me and Cassie watched Jane Austin. That was great with all the special treats!
I really need to introduce Jared to my friend and neighbor.... they would get along oh so well! Check her blog on my side bar... Jodi & William.
She was born and raised in Pitsburg so she is a true blue!
Oh yeah, and I am FULLY jealous of your super bowl! I bet I know where you guys are going again next year!
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