I had decided yesterday that I was going to make Homeade Chicken and Noodles today for Sunday dinner. So, after a Primary meeting I raced home to put the thawed chicken in the big pot and start it boiling for about 3 hours and out the door we ran. Being Fast Sunday, I was really looking forward to coming home to cut the noodles, and to just be welcomed home by the delicious smell of a cooking chicken. As the boys were racing to get into the house first, I see a wave of smoke escape out into the garage and it didn't smell anything like I was daydreaming about in Primary. My big shiny pot was caked with dried up chicken juice and charcoal, smoke was flying everywhere and there wasn't an ounce of juice inside the pot with the chicken. All I said was, "You are kidding me!" I opened the back door and threw the chicken (still in the big pot) out on the lawn. I could hear it sizzling on the grass and the lid fell off and smoke was everywhere. I hope the Smith's weren't watching all of this happen. So, now I am sitting here eating a chocolate chewie and drinking a diet lime pepsi....which I actually prefer anyways. Maybe next time I will make Homeade Chicken and Noodles on a day where I am home.
Oh no! What a bummer! I left a cake in the oven once and went to Walmart. I was in the drive thru when it hit me what I had done. I just knew the firetruck was going to be at my house when we got there but nope, just a slightly charcoaled cake!
Must be genetic. Grandma had us over for dinner today and she was pretty bugged with herself because she burned the roast...not to the smoking point though! Better luck next time.
I won't judge you though...I don't even cook anymore.
I'm so glad your house didn't burn done. As I was driving home I was thinking about how yummy those sounded and what day this week I wanted to make them. I'd better check my calendar and make sure I do it on a day I stay home...you know, just in case. Sorry about you dinner.
That is such a sad "fast Sunday" dinner story. Our fried chicken w/potatoes & white gravy was quite tasty. Sorry for you guys, though.
Bobbi! I hate to rub it in but our homemade chicken noodles were DELISH today!! We had sooo many left overs it just makes me sick that you didn't get any!! You guys should have totally come over for dinner! You could have brought over the dessert! (aka chocolate chewies)
That IS such a bummer and I am sorry for not calling and inviting you guys over!!
So sorry, but if it does make you feel any better, you looked so adorable at church yesterday. I love you dress you were wearing. That is an aweful thing to happen on fast Sunday! I would have loved watching all of that. I have had similiar things happen and it would have made me feel so much better. LOL!
Such a sad tale. I hate Fast
Sunday er, I mean, I Fast Sunday disappointments.
That makes me sad for you!! I hate when something sounds sooo good and for some reason it just doesn't live up to all of my thoughts!!
How Sad! Totally sounds like something that would happen to me IF I cooked on Sundays! (Well, I cook every once in a while if we don't have leftovers that can be warmed up instead!) ;)
I am pretty sure I would cry.
sorry charlie.
That is so funny! I love it :) That is so something that would happen to me to so don't feel bad! Good luck next time :)
Cooking is over rated! :) One day when I'm rich & famous I would love a professional chef! :)
It surprised me that you were making chicken noodle soup. I remember being at your house when you were eating homemade chicken noodle soup and you found a big nasty hair in it. You swore to me that you would never eat it again...I don't know why I remember that...it must have been pretty nasty.
Tell Rook Happy Birthday! Thanks for all your help. I don't know what we would do without you guys. You are wonderful friends. I hope we can return the favors someday.
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