I have to admit that I am looking forward to school starting soon. Carter is already wearing his new shoes, his new-one strap backpack is loaded with supplies....it's all ready to go. What I haven't done yet is get these two boys to bed earlier so their bodies won't be in such shock when they have to get up earlier than they have been all summer long. I will miss the sleeping in part myself for sure!! I think they've played their hearts out and now it's time to get back to somewhat of a routine. Yipee
I hear you on the bedtime thing...for SURE we are going to be ASLEEP at 8:00 tonight...or at least that is the plan.
I love them home for the summer. We have lots of fun and much less of a schedule & deadlines. On the other hand, I really like getting back to school with some sort of routine. That sound contradicting, but I think everyone knows what I mean. I just want it all! (as usual)
I liked your post and picture. There is something about seeing a school bus picking up kids on the first day of school. They all look so scrubbed and anxious. I hope your kids have a fun school year!
Hey! I found your blog and I love your pictures. I loved the arch you and Kaz made for the reception last night! Such talent. You have the cutest family ever!
(Judy Pasley)
I think I'm sadder to see summer come to an end than to see Christmas get over. I love it when kids can have a great summer... along with the green yard and all of that! But, school starting is good, too. I always liked school, except when I was too scared to go. Thanks to my mom for not making me go to kindergarten. I was just too scared at age 5. Loved it after that, though.
I am not looking forward to the early wake-up either! :)
school school school
i liked mom's story today about asking Cas if she'd like to come in and work at Mini today and she said, "uhhhhh, I think I should probably go to the first day of school."
I am already not liking the getting up early thing! We got up 10 minutes earlier each day for a week. Then before the 1st day of school, we bought Kaleb a new Spongebob Squarepants alarm clock. He gets up a lot quicker with the alarm than he does with me trying to wake him! Good Luck!
i'm looking foward to not much changing...to have little kids- just one more year! then i'll opt for late kintergarden! :) good luck with the kiddos! oh- and taelin just loved jared on sunday. played with him almost the whole meeting!!
I am ready for school to start too! Even though I don't have any school age kids it will be nice to not have to do so much back to school hair!
I thought it was fun today when you came over for haircuts... sometimes I need a visitor or a sissy to come over to chill with and not have to get all cute...oh wait, I don't do that for anyone!
ok so this comment has become real random so I must go now....
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