Sunday, May 25, 2008

School Is Out! .... (last Thursday)

I can't believe that the kids are already out of school! This school year flew by. Carter LOVED his 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Hill. I thought she was pretty great myself. I am now trying to prepare myself for a busy summer. I guess that is why I was a little sad about school being out because I love the kids having a schedule and being in a routine. So, to keep it fun we will spend our days at baseball games for Carter and Jared, swimming lessons, Ross Park, basketball camp, yard work, & playing with the neighbors & cousins. What could be better than that? Okay, so back to Carter's teacher, Mrs. Hill. I had a card for Carter to sign and give to her on the last week and this is what I found. I thought it was kind of sweet. Also, he came home with a little book of phone numbers of some of his friends from his class to keep in touch with this summer and he also got Mrs. Hill's phone number. He told me he got it for me so that I can call her. He wants me to call her to say Hi and tell her how much I like her! I keep putting it off and he keeps reminding me. I don't want call her, so I might just have to "pretend" that I did. I hope it's not bad to pretend....

Friday, May 9, 2008


Rook has such a LOVE and PASSION for dogs! He loves them all--big or small. He plays with our neighbors dogs constantly and will ask me if he can live at their house so he can have a dog. I told him that I am allergic to dogs and cats, so we can't have them at our house. His preschool class had a fieldtrip to the Vet a few weeks ago and he hasn't stopped talking about it. He was sure that night that Jared was going to come home with a dog to surprise him. He won't let it go. So, I told him that maybe for his 18th birthday he could get a dog. He said, "OK" and so far he is excited about that. We will see how long it works.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

What A Nightmare!!!

I had the most crazy night last night, while trying to sleep. It all started when I kept waking myself up, scratching the heck out of my eyes, ears, and throat. Then, Rook came in my room to tell me he "wet the bed." (arghhhh) Not too long after I got back to bed, I started dreaming that I had snakes all around me--even one in my bed!! I vividly remember saying a couple of prayers during that one, that I could think about something else. So.....this second dream had me sitting down to a plate of peanut butter on lettuce. It tasted really, really good to me until I realized what I was eating! In that same dream I was gulping down as much water as I could trying to clean it all out. Then, my alarm went off and it was time to wake up Carter for school. I guess that was the answer to my first nightmare. By that time, my heart was still pounding fast and furious. I don't dream too often, but when I do, it's usually about these same two things.

Disclaimer: I am EXTREMELY terrified of snakes and I am DEATHLY allergic to peanuts.