Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy 9th (late) Birthday!

Carter's 9th birthday was last week. Jared and I were out of town, so he was able to celebrate it with my parents and some of his aunts/uncles and cousins. I was feeling bad about not being there, but he was just thrilled to get to stay over at Grandma's house. He said he had the 'best time ever.' It was also Superbowl Sunday, so that made it even more exciting.
Then this last weekend, we had the Underwood side over for dinner and birthday cake. The boys had such a great time playing with their cousins. We have a new little cousin in our family...notice Krew in the background. :) He is such a cutie.
Carter is still asking when we are going to plan his 'friend' party now. I guess I better get going on that.


Judy said...

Happy Birthday Carter!!!!!

Battfam said...

Looks like fun; cousins are the best. Now you need to blog about your trip with Jared. Inquiring minds (and nosey aunts) want to know.

Bobi... said...

Multiple birthday parties- nice! Those were always my faves!

Annette said...

I can't believe he is 9! Crazy! Looks like a party!

Cassie said...

3 birthday parties! Shhhhh don't tell my kids.
Happy B-day Carter.

Lucy said...

Carter is pretty easy to please if he thought it was the best time ever. I thought me and ole gramps were pretty boring, (well gramps is...I'm still fun)

Audrey said...

How did I miss this?? I am glad that Carty had a good birthday even though you guys were in Sin City!
Time to blog again... I can say that now, cuz I just did!