having a great time. We were at market for about 6 days and the 1st morning
there.....I saw a bowl of pretzels that looked identical to the ones in the photo
there.....I saw a bowl of pretzels that looked identical to the ones in the photo
and popped that sucker into my mouth. As I bit down, I noticed that it was
a little hollow and then I immediately knew I was in trouble! I could feel and
taste a very familiar creamy substance. Yes, it was Peanut Butter!! Luckily
my fear and panic kicked in and I didn't swallow anything, I spit it all into my
hand and found a sink to wash out my mouth and gargle water. My heart was
racing, my body was shaking, my knees were weak. ( I am feeling like it all over
again just thinking about it) My mom kept asking me if I thought we needed to
leave the market and run for the nearest hopspital. I considered it but knew
it would seriously cut into our shopping time. That was WAY more important.
So, to shorten it up...it gave me quite a scare, but I am okay and now I hate
pretzels. The next time I walked by the bowl of pretzels, I noticed the lady
pretzels. The next time I walked by the bowl of pretzels, I noticed the lady
put a sign by the pretzels saying that they contained Peanut Butter. HA!
Scary!!!!!!!! I am glad you are OK! I didn't know that you are alergic. That is so hard. I'm alergic to tabacco, so I just have to stay away from cigs, you...everything has peanuts or peanut oil, right? Glad you had fun at market!!!!
Oops! I accidentally removed your comment--sorry!! :(
OMGosh! Glad your shopping time wasn't cut short. :) :)
Yikes...well at least in the face of death you were thinking about what you should have been...buying cute stuff for Mini Bazaar. Glad you're okay.
You do carry an epi pen with you, right?
That was scary for sure. The funniest part was that the helpers around were sure that if you drank a beer or a glass of wine; that would take care of it! Good for you Bobbi.....No way.
I think you should have taken the beer...after all, it was for medicinal purposes. In fact, instead of an Epi pen, I think you should carry around a Bud light just in case...and because I am such a good friend, I will carry one around with me also...I will also put one in the Primary closet in case you accidently have a reaction to a piece of sacrament bread that might have a molecule of peanut residue...I'm so glad your priorities are in the right place...nothing cuts in to shopping time...as long as you can grunt and point...you can shop...
I was waiting for you to say you popped out the old Epi Pen and put it to the test!! Get your money worth out of that little guy!!
We're glad you survived your peanut butter ordeal!!
K-this shows how well I know my cousins--I had no idea you were allergic to PB. Thank heavens you didn't swallow. Way to suck it up and focus on what really matters--the SHOPPING!
Your dreams of eating peanut butter were finally a reality! Did you at least enjoy the taste for a second? haha. Glad you're alright.
Oh my heck! That is sooo funny :)I am glad you are okay though. Glad that you could continue shopping!!!
Ok Bobbi, we will stop teasing you about hiding peanuts and pistachio's in your brownies.... I didn't realize that how NOT funny a scare is!!
Glad you walked it off and that you were able to continue on buying! (ps, did you get me something?)
Glad you didn't die.
How does it feel to cheat death...jk Glad you are ok
wow bobbi who knew a child hood favorite sandwich with peanut butter could be so deadly. im soooo glad you are ok. never will i bring peanuts into the store again.
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