Does the pictures say enough? I was in Atlanta with my mom this last week,
having a great time. We were at market for about 6 days and the 1st morning
there.....I saw a bowl of pretzels that looked identical to the ones in the photo
and popped that sucker into my mouth. As I bit down, I noticed that it was
a little hollow and then I immediately knew I was in trouble! I could feel and
taste a very familiar creamy substance. Yes, it was Peanut Butter!! Luckily
my fear and panic kicked in and I didn't swallow anything, I spit it all into my
hand and found a sink to wash out my mouth and gargle water. My heart was
racing, my body was shaking, my knees were weak. ( I am feeling like it all over
again just thinking about it) My mom kept asking me if I thought we needed to
leave the market and run for the nearest hopspital. I considered it but knew
it would seriously cut into our shopping time. That was WAY more important.
So, to shorten it up...it gave me quite a scare, but I am okay and now I hate
pretzels. The next time I walked by the bowl of pretzels, I noticed the lady
put a sign by the pretzels saying that they contained Peanut Butter. HA!