Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Six Shots and No Tears!

Today was not a good day for Rook. I gave him heads up yesterday that he was going to get his immunizations today and he kept telling me no way and if I take him to get shots, then he won't live with me anymore! He likes to threaten me. Anyways, he was so nice and brave the whole time we were waiting. Then we went into the room...I got my flu shot first and then they gave him 5 immunizations and 1 flu shot. He did Great! Six shots and Zero tears! I was so proud of Rookie and even a little shocked. :)


Judy said...

Good job Rook! I took my kids to get a measle shot and I went first and it hurt so stinkin bad that I made a horible face and they all freaked out. One of my smarter moves! I DID hurt. It felt like iron going into my arm. It sucked! So I am glad he was so brave!

Becky said...

Good Job Rookie!! They really get them before they go to kindergarten... Zoey had her 6 shots last year about this time!!
In fact I need to get her and Jayce in for their flu shots too... they're not going to like me much!!

hmmm said...

my favorite are the faces he makes to illustrate how hard life is in the life of boy who gets 6 shots in one day. very cute!
good job little buddy! proud of ya.

Kellie said...

Wow! What a brave boy!

Bobbi said...

What a trooper! Looks like fun :) he is way tougher than me!!!

Battfam said...

Great pictures. The squared lips one is an all time classic. Rook is a good little boy and you are a good little mom.

Kazmin Nye said...

I love Rook... I was thinking about him this morning and how he looked with his pirate hat pulled down tight and his sword stuck all the way down his pants...

Audrey said...

Great Job Cowboy! You sure have on a cool shirt AND your arms are so buff Rook! I love that he wore his bandades ALL day! What a kid... a cute one!

Lucy said...

Rook is tough. Tougher than you thought for sure. He is a great model for the pictures, too. Enjoyable for all of us!