Rook turned 5 today! This morning when Carter woke Rook up to open his presents, Jared said, "Happy Birthday Rook, you are 5 now!" Rook took off to the bathroom and said, "Let me see." I heared him drag out the scale and jump on. He yelled back , "Nope, I am not to the 5 yet!" I guess he thought the scale told our age and not our weight.

He got some awesome gifts from us and cousins and his friends. I asked him what his favorite present was and he said that they were all his favorite!

We decided to take the boys bowling. We had a Great time. It took most of the time just waiting for the ball to actually get from Rook's hands to roll down to the pins.

Hooray! It f-i-n-a-l-l-y made it down there.

I guess Rook had too much fun. Happy Birthday!